Instagram ranking - France

Today, more is needed to measure a residence's attraction than the building and premises.
It is often about promotion and storytelling via social media.

This list contains the top 10 residences in France, based on their Instagram accounts and amount of followers.

- Please note :
- A focus lies on Instagram, as this website aims at the next generation of visitors.
- Residences may use other social media channels next to / instead of Instagram.
- Residences may attract many visitors, despite not using Instagram. Other residences may attract fewer visitors, though having many 
   followers on Instagram.
- Rankings are updated periodically. Numbers may need to be updated sometimes.
- Several residences fall under the umbrella of a heritage organization. Therefore, the power/pull factor and attraction of a social media account may be the sum of all sites rather than a single site only.

10 - Château Angers


Château Angers, like no other, knows how to involve visitors in their historic tails. Being part of the castle's history seems to be their speciality. So much so that you don't want to follow their Instagram account only; you want to visit the castle!


8 - Château de Cheverny


The best way to describe Cheverny's Instagram account is colourful. Beautiful flowers, cartoons, stories and events; all posts contribute to this colourful and attractive image. And the vast group of Instagram followers seems to confirm this.


6 - Château Gaillard


Normandie Tourisme plays it smart, operating an Instagram account that includes and promotes the entire region. Showing lovely pictures that fascinate visitors. Hereby including Château Gaillard. 


5 - Château de Chenonceau


Château de Chenonceau has always been a story about elegance: its architecture, design or inhabitants. Today, elegance is reflected by the posts on Instagram. Beautiful flower arrangements and stylish events, to name a few. The castle definitely knows how to captivate its followers. 


4 - Château de Fontainebleau


Visiting the Château de Fontainebleau includes the storylines of various characters that shaped French and European history. This is reflected in its Instagram posts, which fascinate its followers. 



3 - Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte


Vaux-le-Vicomte's history may be one full of dramatic stories and colourful characters and the castle's Instagram posts are equally colourful and captivating. 


2 - Château de Chambord


Chambord's story has always been one of superlatives. And the large number of followers of their Instagram account proves this.


1 - Château de Versailles

1 million followers

The Château de Versailles has always set the trend, whether for its architecture or court and protocol. And it sets the trend again, based on the number of Instagram followers. They love to follow updates and stories. 


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Instagram ranking - Germany

Today, more is needed to measure a residence's attraction than the building and premises.
It is often about promotion and storytelling via social media.

This list contains the top 10 residences in Germany, based on their Instagram accounts and amount of followers.

- Please note :
- A focus lies on Instagram, as this website aims at the next generation of visitors.
- Residences may use other social media channels next to / instead of Instagram.
- Residences may attract many visitors, despite not using Instagram. Other residences may attract fewer visitors, though having many 
   followers on Instagram.
- Rankings are updated periodically. Numbers may need to be updated sometimes.
- Several residences fall under the umbrella of a heritage organization. Therefore, the power/pull factor and attraction of a social media account may be the sum of all sites rather than a single site only.

Instagram ranking - Netherlands

Today, more is needed to measure a residence's attraction than the building and premises.
It is often about promotion and storytelling via social media.

This list contains the top 10 residences in the Netherlands, based on their Instagram accounts and amount of followers.

- Please note :
- A focus lies on Instagram, as this website aims at the next generation of visitors.
- Residences may use other social media channels next to / instead of Instagram.
- Residences may attract many visitors, despite not using Instagram. Other residences may attract fewer visitors, though having many 
   followers on Instagram.
- Rankings are updated periodically. Numbers may need to be updated sometimes.
- Several residences fall under the umbrella of a heritage organization. Therefore, the power/pull factor and attraction of a social media account may be the sum of all sites rather than a single site only.