Instagram ranking - Germany

Today, more is needed to measure a residence's attraction than the building and premises.
It is often about promotion and storytelling via social media.

This list contains the top 10 residences in Germany, based on their Instagram accounts and amount of followers.

- Please note :
- A focus lies on Instagram, as this website aims at the next generation of visitors.
- Residences may use other social media channels next to / instead of Instagram.
- Residences may attract many visitors, despite not using Instagram. Other residences may attract fewer visitors, though having many 
   followers on Instagram.
- Rankings are updated periodically. Numbers may need to be updated sometimes.
- Several residences fall under the umbrella of a heritage organization. Therefore, the power/pull factor and attraction of a social media account may be the sum of all sites rather than a single site only.

10 - Burg Hohenzollern


Burg Hohenzollern's location couldn't be more perfect: a majestic building, perched on a hill and overlooking a large region. This is the recipe for perfect pictures, whether shared by the castle or by visitors. 

Add to this the pictures of historical moments, elegant events and news about the Hohenzollern Dynasty and you have a residence to be reckoned with. 


9 - Wartburg


The Wartburg is a known castle, within Germany. However, the castle keeps investing in promotion via Instagram, sharing stories about its history, its location and its castle of course. Resulting in a pull factor, clearly present when visiting the Instagram account. 


8 - Landgrafenschloss Marburg


The city of Marburg promotes itself as the ‘Unistadt’ (University city) Marburg. It is a smart move, combining news such as events, news about the locals and heritage. When looking at the number of followers on Instagram: it pays off. City


7 - Schloss Marienburg


A summer residence, that is still privately owned. However, it does not shy away from promoting itself as a fun attraction. Combining pictures of landscapes, the castle and events. All resulting in a nice number of followers on their Instagram account.


6 - Burg Eltz


One of Germany's most famous castles, using Instagram in a very efficient manner, showing its castle in the best way possible. The castle is very photogenic and the management knows this. 

Add to this many photographers and their own take on the castle, sharing it with the right hashtags and you will understand the strong, online presence. 


5 - Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Baden-Württemberg


Residences, situated at rivers, lakes, mountains and cities. So much variety for the Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Baden-Württemberg. And the foundation knows how to promote all of this. And the followers seem to appreciate this. 


4 - Preußische Schlösser & Gärten


A slew of palaces is part of the Preußische Schlösser & Gärten. Often situated in the state of Brandenburg, some situated in Berlin. 

Many residences are connected to historical figures who influenced the history of Germany, if not of Europe. Add to this the metropolis that is Berlin and you have a combination of heritage and tourism, offering lots of opportunities. 

Preußische Schlösser & Gärten


2 - Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung


Fascinating stories of historical figures, world-famous residences and often set in beautiful landscapes; the Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung is a major player on the German heritage scene. 


1 - Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden


15 museums, art from world-renowned renowned artists and situated in Dresden. The Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden has it all. And their Instagram account says it all, having a large number of followers. 

Based on this social media account, they are definitely a main player in the heritage world in Germany.


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Instagram ranking - Netherlands

Today, more is needed to measure a residence's attraction than the building and premises.
It is often about promotion and storytelling via social media.

This list contains the top 10 residences in the Netherlands, based on their Instagram accounts and amount of followers.

- Please note :
- A focus lies on Instagram, as this website aims at the next generation of visitors.
- Residences may use other social media channels next to / instead of Instagram.
- Residences may attract many visitors, despite not using Instagram. Other residences may attract fewer visitors, though having many 
   followers on Instagram.
- Rankings are updated periodically. Numbers may need to be updated sometimes.
- Several residences fall under the umbrella of a heritage organization. Therefore, the power/pull factor and attraction of a social media account may be the sum of all sites rather than a single site only.

Instagram ranking - France

Today, more is needed to measure a residence's attraction than the building and premises.
It is often about promotion and storytelling via social media.

This list contains the top 10 residences in France, based on their Instagram accounts and amount of followers.

- Please note :
- A focus lies on Instagram, as this website aims at the next generation of visitors.
- Residences may use other social media channels next to / instead of Instagram.
- Residences may attract many visitors, despite not using Instagram. Other residences may attract fewer visitors, though having many 
   followers on Instagram.
- Rankings are updated periodically. Numbers may need to be updated sometimes.
- Several residences fall under the umbrella of a heritage organization. Therefore, the power/pull factor and attraction of a social media account may be the sum of all sites rather than a single site only.