Residences in Den Haag (7)

Paleis Noordeinde

The official 'office' of H.M. King Willem Alexander of the Netherlands. A palace, used by several generations of the Dutch Royal Family and the location from where the monarch starts the tour to the Binnenhof to open the Governmental year. Afterwards, it is followed by a ceremonial appearance at the...

Het Binnenhof

The former residence of the Counts of Holland. Today, it is the seat of the Dutch government. The complex includes several wings and building. The ‘Ridderzaal’ (Hall of knights) is one of the most famous buildings of the complex. It is the location where the opening of the parliament takes place ann...

Paleis Kneuterdijk

A former noble residence was originally situated here. A new residence was built and purchased by the Dutch royal family. Today, it is the seat of the ‘Raad van state’: the Netherlands' Council of State. Therefore, it is not accessible for visitors. 

Paleis Lange Voorhout

A former residence, built for a governmental representative. Several families owned the urban residence. In 1845, King William II of the Netherlands purchased the residence. Some family members resided in the palace, others used it as their office. It was sold to the municipality of Den Haag in 1990...

Paleis Huis ten Bosch

The official residence of H.M. King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands. The Palace includes the ‘Oranjezaal’ a monumental room, dedicated to Stadholder Frederik Hendrik of Orange Nassau. The Palace was also, sometimes, the location for the inauguration of the Dutch government.