The palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes

The Palace's history dates back to the 7th century when the Byzantines built a citadel. The Knights Hospitallers succeeded the Byzantines and their citadel became a residence for the Knights Hospitallers. The Grand Master would reside in his palace, whereas other Knights would establish residences next to the Palace. 

The palace resisted several attacks but would eventually surrender to the Ottomans. They would use the palace as a fortress. The Ottomans were succeeded by the Italians. Visitors will find reminders of this rule within the palace. 

Visitors can visit the palace and learn about its history. The palace's architecture and strength may impose visitors. The mosaics displayed in some rooms are worth checking out. 

Do not forget to walk down Ippoton street and have a look at the Knights's residences, representing different nations in Europe. 

Location Ippoton, Rodos 851 00, Greece
Phone number +302241365270